Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom is the sixth title in the City Building Series. BreakAway Games was contracted for Emperor after having previously worked on Queen of the Nile. Emperor is the last of the series to use the same 2D-sprite game engine as seen in the earlier titles, and the first to introduce a multiplayer option. Epic in scope, Emperor spans seven dynasties and more than 3,000 years of Chinese history-from China's preimperial Xia dynasty circa 2100 B.C. To the Mongol invasion of the Middle Kingdom under Genghis Khan in A.D. As emperor, you will build housing to attract immigrants to your new city.

Emperor: Rise of The Middle Kingdom - Emperor Widescreen Patch - Game mod - Download. The file Emperor Widescreen Patch is a modification for Emperor: Rise of The Middle Kingdom, a(n) strategy game. Download for free. File type Game mod. File size 212.9 MB. Last update Sunday, November 15, 2015. Downloads 20168. Downloads (7 days) 110. Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom. Click the 'Install Game' button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Emperor: RotMK v1.0.1.0 Polish Patch Oct 26 2016 Patch. This is the latest official patch for Impressions Games' and BreakAway Games' Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom.

Game Details:

Welcome to the “Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom” for Mac game page. This page contains information + tools how to port Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application. So if you haven’t Crossover yet, then sign up here and buy the program or if you want to test it first, for the 14 days trial. Or use the Porting Kit alternative.

Other Sierra City builder ported games on the site are: Caesar 3, Pharaoh + Cleopatra, and Zeus & Poseidon

I recommend to buy the GOG.com version which is DRM free and works straight away out of the box. Used that version in the video. Click on the links mentioned here, create an account using the signup in the top bar on the GOG.com website and buy the game. You automatically get when creating an account 14 free GOG games (+ some dlc’s) added to your account so you have nothing to loose, only to receive! Make sure the setup file is downloaded into your download folder before running the Crosstie, so that Crossover recognizes the file and launches the setup automatically.

Use this CrossTie to install the game in Crossover and start the fun! Make sure Crossover is installed before downloading/running the CrossTie. Or use the Porting Kit.

Game Description:
Emperor is a fun and satisfying management game, but it is primarily the same fun and satisfying management game as those that have preceded it.

Instruction video

Additional Port Information:
Graphical Cards Tested: NVIDIA 9400M graphics card, AMD Radeon 6770M
OSX 10.7.5 and 10.8.2+ compatible?: yes
Whats tested: Playing a while
Does Multiplayer work?: Not tested
Known Issues: Not that I know of
Whats not tested: Intel graphical cards
Icon: Andry Steps
Status: Final

Download Emperor Rise Of The Middle Kingdom



Topic Subject:Playing Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom on Wide-Screen Monitors
posted 06-17-16 19:58 ET (US)
I love the above-subject game. However, I have Windows 10 and a screen with the resolution 1920 x 1080. I downloaded the file that is suppose to hlep me play this game on wide screen from wswg.com (or that's what I think it was). However after installing and opening this file, I only saw file folders with the name of the resolutions on them. This does not tell me how to merge the Emperor.zip file resolutions with the original file. In addition, after downloading this file, my 'Play' button doesn't work nor does a few other buttons on the main screen. The only one that works is View High Scores (or something like that). What do I do?
posted 06-18-16 07:25 ET (US) 1 / 3
I don't know about that site you mentioned, but here is a thread that talks about how to play in widescreen:

The New Kingdom Of Egypt

posted 06-18-16 07:27 ET (US) 2 / 3
Unfortunately, this site has a policy where we can't talk about that patch version (which, given the age of the game, seems rather unnecessary), so you won't be able to get support for it here.
I don't know if Gwelio will enforce that policy or not though, so for peace of mind, I won't give any instructions on how to use that file.

[This message has been edited by Sajuuk (edited 06-18-2016 @ 07:28 AM).]

posted 06-18-16 08:41 ET (US) 3 / 3
I realized he's violating the policy of this site, but I made a decision to see where he heads with this thread. I can always lock or delete it later.

Empire Rise Of The Middle Kingdom

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